
Waste Management at Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre (GCCEC)

GCCEC uses many waste management strategies to successfully recycle or reuse 75% of all its waste. These strategies also contribute to reducing hazards and costs, conserving resources and protecting the environment.

Food waste: GCCEC has an ongoing partnership with national food rescue organisation OzHarvest. This means quality excess food is collected from the premises and delivered free of charge, to more than 37 charities on the Gold Coast. This has resulted in the redistribution of thousands of meals since June 2014. Food organic bins receive any leftover served food products that do not meet the food and health safety standards for food donations and are commercially composted.

Packaging: Carbon neutral, BioPak branded packaging is used in-house (biodegradable or recyclable coffee and drink cups, crockery and cutlery). This enables an offset 16 tonnes of CO2 emissions annually – equivalent to four cars on the road.

Waste storage and recycling: Appropriate waste storage areas are provided in consultation with private waste contractors and EPA, HACCP requirements. Waste segregation containers are colour-coded and clearly labelled. Recycling bins are located in front of house areas. New recycling opportunities are proactively identified, such as recycling all printer and toner cartridges through Australia Post and Planet Ark. Two compactors for cardboard and general waste have enabled the City’s waste removal services to reduce trips to the Centre from multiple times to only once per week, resulting in a reduction of carbon emissions. GCCEC participates in the Queensland Government’s container deposit scheme for glass, bottles and Tetra Pak® containers through Envirobank, the national supplier and distributor of recycling technology. GCCEC strives for paperless operations. Where necessary, 100% recycled paper is utilised.

The 2024 COSA Organising Committee are committed to ensuring the ASM leaves a minimum carbon footprint in its planning and delivery.


To minimise waste generated by the event the COSA ASM supplement of the Wiley Journal will be available again in a digital format along with the COSA ASM app. A reduced program will be printed in A5 format and made available to all delegates. We will endeavour to utilise digital signage where possible.

Venue Initiatives

Environmental and social sustainable practices are core values at GCCEC and therefore integral to its overarching strategy and operational practices.

The Centre is committed to operating at the world’s highest environmental standards and aligns its best practices with EarthCheck, the world’s most recognised and largest environmental management program for the travel and tourism sectors. The Centre obtained EarthCheck Platinum Certification in 2018 – a first for convention centres worldwide.

Management plans have been developed for energy, water, waste and procurement. Key initiatives and practices from these plans are outlined in this document.

What you can do

Your main carbon usage relates to your travel, especially flights. Here’s some ways you can reduce your footprint:

  • Take public transport to and from the airports

  • Car pool via ride share services, or opt for a “Green” vehicle

  • Purchase the Carbon offset option when booking your flight

If staying at a hotel while attending the conference try the following sustainable options:

  • Use natural light instead of the room lights

  • Reuse your towels and ask staff not to change your bedsheets each night

  • Stay close to the venue so you can walk to the event

Reduce your waste by bringing your own reusable water bottle and coffee cup, and be mindful of any catering you order outside the meeting.

Below are some ideas on how you can improve your carbon footprint when attending the ASM.