Breakfast Sessions

The following Breakfast Sessions are available for delegates to select as an additional item(s) to their registration.

If you’ve already registered for the COSA ASM and wish to add a breakfast to your registration, please log back in to your Currinda profile as a ‘returning delegate’ here using your email and password from time of first registering.

Wednesday 13 November 2024

  • Time: 7:00am
    Date: 13 November 2024

    This symposium will highlight the latest research from the COSA Nutrition and Exercise Groups – spanning the launch of the COSA Cancer-related malnutrition and sarcopenia position statement: Implementation Toolkit, the mapping of nutrition services in Australian acute health services providing cancer treatment and the latest on investigating the value of implementation of the COSA Position Statement on Exercise in Cancer Care.

    The audience will walk away with insights from the latest nutrition and exercise research and how to elevate multidisciplinary care in practice to optimise outcomes for people with cancer. An interactive panel discussion with all speakers and questions from the audience will conclude the session.


    • Jenelle Loeliger AdvAPD

      Manager, Nutrition & Speech Pathology, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, VIC
      Project Manager – VCMC program of work
      Honorary Fellow – School of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences, Faculty of Health, Deakin University
      Honorary Fellow – Sir Peter MacCallum Department of Oncology, University of Melbourne
      PhD candidate
      Chair, COSA Nutrition Group

    • Rosa Spence

      Senior Research Fellow, Cancer Council Queensland, QLD
      Representative, COSA Exercise Group

    Speakers and topics:

    • Jane Stewart - Launch of the COSA Cancer-related malnutrition and sarcopenia position statement: Implementation Toolkit

    • Dr Emily Jeffery - Survey of nutrition service provision in Australian acute cancer settings

    • Dr Kim Edmunds - COSA Exercise guidelines: What is the Value of Implementation?

    This session will include interactive Q&A with all speakers.

    This breakfast session is sponsored by COSA, and delivered by the COSA Nutrition and Exercise and Cancer Groups

Thursday 14 November 2024

  • Time: 7:30am
    Date: 14 November 2024


    • Dr Marcin Dzienis, Medical Oncologist, Gold Coast Community Hospital,

    • A/Prof Dion Forstner


    • Coming soon!

    This breakfast session is sponsored by MSD.

  • Time: 7:30am
    Date: 14 November 2024


    • Coming soon!


    • Coming soon!

    This breakfast session is sponsored by COSA.

Friday 15 November 2024

  • Time: 7:30am
    Date: 15 November 2024
    Following the success of our Breakfast Session at the 2023 COSA ASM, and the release of the Roadmap to Reducing Financial Toxicity Experienced by People Affected by Cancer in March 2024, COSA’s Financial Toxicity Working Group invites you to continue to the conversation as we work together to address financial toxicity. This breakfast symposium will primarily focus on advocacy initiatives that are planned and underway to address financial toxicity in the Australian setting, and provide opportunity for participants to learn more about these initiatives, and how they can get involved.


    • Professor Ray Chan, Flinders University

    • Megan Varlow, Cancer Council Australia


    • Lebogang Bokani Thomy, Metro South Health

    • Dr Jordana McLoone, UNSW

    • Sue Woodall, LiveWorkCancer

    • Amanda Piper, Cancer Council Victoria

    This breakfast session is sponsored by COSA.

Thank you to our breakfast session sponsors: