Dinner Symposia

The following Dinner Symposia are available for delegates to select as an additional item to their registration.

If you’ve already registered for the COSA ASM and wish to add the dinner symposia to your registration, please log back in to your Currinda profile as a ‘returning delegate’ here using your email and password from time of first registering.

Wednesday 13 Novemebr 2024

  • Time: 7:00pm - 10:00pm
    Date: 13 November 2024

    Join us at the session to discuss cancer treatments and cancer treatment-related skin toxicities, patient clinical case discussion on the management and treatment of thèse skin toxicities and practical tips (including dermatological) for managing skin side effects induced by cancer treatments to support patients and their cancer journey.


    • Coming soon!


    • Coming soon!

    This dinner symposium is sponsored by L’Oreal

Thank you to our Dinner Symposia sponsor: